MedCity INVEST PharmaTechMedCity INVEST PharmaTech

Pierre Leurent

President, Digital Health,
Aptar Pharma


Pierre Leurent, CEO and co-founder of Voluntis, an Aptar Pharma company, has over 20 years of experience in digital health in the United States and Europe. Prior to starting Voluntis, Pierre worked at GE Medical Systems in its medical imaging software division, and at HealthCenter Internet Services, a vendor of Electronic Medical Record solutions based in Silicon Valley. He is a founding Director of the Digital Therapeutics Alliance, of which he served as Chairman, and a member of Advamed’s Digital Health Executive Leadership Group. Pierre previously co-chaired the digital therapeutics task force of the Personal Connected Health Alliance, a member of HIMSS, and chaired the eHealth France Alliance. He holds a MS from Ecole Centrale Paris.