CMW Health Summit took place in Cleveland, Ohio on November 7-8, 2012. CLICK HERE for a recap of the event. The summit was a huge success so save the date for next year’s event to be held September 12, 2013.

Content Marketing World Health Summit is the only content marketing event dedicated to the healthcare industry. CMW Health Summit brings together the leading healthcare business and consumer brands to network and learn about the challenges of creating valuable and compelling stories to attract and retain customers in the healthcare industry.

CMW Health Summit is the one event where you can learn and network with the best and the brightest in the healthcare industry around content marketing. You will leave with all the materials you need to take a content strategy back to your team – and – implement a content marketing plan that will grow your business and engage your audience. If you are a healthcare marketing or PR professional involved in content production or distribution in some way, this event is for you.

The innovative ways hospitals, life sciences companies and others are using content in healthcare are as important to changing patient behavior and driving referrals as the clinical innovations. The CMW Health Summit will bring the content discussion to that level.

Sample of Previous Talks